Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Grumpy Gallbladder

Six weeks after Asher's birth my gallbladder wanted to come out too. According to the ultrasound tech who did my ulrasound I had a very unhappy gallbladder. It had at least 6 stones and was inflamed. What gallbladder wouldn't be unhappy? I had a gallbladder attack Tue Aug 28th, went into the Dr that next day, didn't have an ultrasound until Thurs and Friday when I had another attack we went to the ER cuz the pain was excruciating! Sat morning I got my gallbladder out and Sunday I finally got to go home. During this time Asher was watched by loving friends and family. I have no idea what I would have done without them. 

Heavenly Father seriously does watch over us. Friday night when we went to the ER our friends Spike and Shelly graciously watched Asher while we were trying to figure what to do. Having already keep them to nearly midnight I couldn't ask them to watch him any longer, even though I'm sure they would have. I called my friend Michelle who had 6 kids (I figured one more would hardly be noticeable) if she'd be willing to take Asher over night and Sat while Jeron worked. She was a life savor and thank goodness her kids loved him. Her oldest, Vanessa would hardly let anyone else hold him and her youngest decided that Asher is now his little brother. :) One of the biggest miracles was that until the week before Michelle thought that her 8 year old would be getting baptized that day. The change "messed up" Michelle's well thought out plans but thankfully Heavenly Father had a better plan that worked out better for all of us.

Little Asher's working on his signing.. Here's him saying "I love you". We're working on keeping his thumb out. 

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