Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Friday, March 8, 2013

Computer Geek

I left Asher for a second while I went to go get something. Before I left I made sure there was some distance between the computer and Asher. I came back to my cute boy playing with the computer.

 This is what he was able to accomplish while I was gone. Smart little fella. Thankfully Daddy was able to figure out how to fix it cuz I had no idea how to.

Papa's Walking Club

Probably should have taken the picture before the boys went on their walk because after they were exhausted. Asher got to join Papa's walking club and he loved it. Papa loved it too...even if you can't tell by the pictures.

Repertoire of Words

Today when getting ready for bed I asked Asher, "Do you want to go show
Grandma how cute you are?" His very cute response was "Yss." Later when Grandma asked him a question he again responded with "Yss." I have a stinkin' cute, stinkin' smart boy.
Asher also says "Muma" for Mommy. "ungy" for hungry. He also has learned that sheep say "ba ba ba." He's also working on saying all sorts of other sounds too. The silly boy also likes to sing, dance and play the piano all at the same time. I'll have to see if I can catch him sometime. It's Great!