Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Big helper

Asher was Mommy's big helper yesterday. I asked him to get me one of baby Evie's diapers and he did! It took a little bit of prompting and when he handed it to me only his side faced me so he was able to quickly run away from me as soon as the diapers reached my hand. I think it was because he was pretty sure it was Evie's diaper but he wasn't going to take any chances. I think the funniest part was that today when I called my mom and told her about how he'd helped out yesterday he heard part of what I was saying and handed me one of Evie's diapers.
Asher also likes to be a big helper by giving Evie a plug. Most the time Evie is solidly asleep so she doesn't even notice. Sometimes though he is a little rough trying to make sure the plug gets into her mouth and she stirrs a bit. This is normally when I tell Asher thanks  helping and take the plug.
My visiting teachers husband was also a big helper. He changed their 18 month old son unused the closest diaper he could find. So when my vt got home he said "we need diapers that fit!" She looked around to find that he'd used a size 1 diaper, that was for a gift for Evie on their son who normally wears a size 4. Just hearing this made my day even if it made it so the package was open and missing a diaper.
Here is a picture of the toys Asher tried giving Evie during nap time. I heard him go to the bassinet and say baby she stirred a little bit but it wasn't until later that I realized he gave her toys to play with.