Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Elvis! :D

Many of you know Jeron and I have started fostering a dog. His name is Elvis and he sometimes looks like Elvis Presley with his black fur and shaggy mop head. Elvis has truly grown attached to Jeron and me this last month. It started with him following us around all over the house, being our little shadow, which he still continues to do. Recently Elvis has decided that he should be able to go everywhere with us and LOVES car rides. Yesterday as we were getting ready to go to South Jordan/Salt lake area for Brian and Anna Larson's wedding. I was packing up the car and Jeron was getting the last things packed away. As I was carrying the dog crate Elvis followed me, ready to get into the car. I didn't want Elvis running all over the seats so I closed the driver's door and worked on getting the crate in the back of the car. When I was done I called for Elvis to come, when he didn't, I knew he hadn't gone far and went around the car to see where he had gone. Elvis thinking I was leaving him panicked and went around the car to the trunk and tried jumping in. I caught him on the tail end of a jump missing the trunk. He quickly tried again finally making it. (Elvis' head goes to about the top of my calf) He settled himself into the trunk along with everything else with this look of achievement. Oh what a silly boy.
More about Elvis:
Elvis is a black Cockier Spaniel who responds to his name, baby and the kissy sound. He has extra fur around his paws that his feet look like slippers. He's made mostly of fur. He has a tinny little tail that when he wags it shakes his whole butt. Elvis is very fond of his family and will allow visitors only if they been approved by "Mommy and Daddy". He's not sure about people walking on the sidewalk around our house, birds, motorcycles, and garbage trucks. He responds to them by barking at them until they are well away from "home". Elvis is more bark than bite though and is learning that chasing after things is not a good thing to do because he gets sent to his room (his crate). When we first got Elvis he only knew how to sit and fetch a ball but has since learned lots more tricks. He now can sit, lay down, play dead, pick what hand treats are in, shake, wave, high five, and dance. He's also pretty good at staying when asked and will stay close when outside with either Jeron or me, unless there are birds around, then all bets are off.

1 comment:

Brittany said...

Adorable! One of these days I need to make the trip up to see your house.... I'm still sad we missed that dinner that one time. We should have a redo soon!