Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Sunday, March 6, 2011


What comes around goes around. Saturday Jeron and i went to Bed Bath and Beyond and there was this little old lady who was trying to get this HUGE gift out of the shopping cart and into her car. Every time she'd get the gift out of the cart the shopping cart would get in her way. I ran over and took 2 seconds out of my day grabbed the cart waited to make sure she got the gift into her car and put the cart away. She was so thankful you could just see it in her eyes. It was a wonderful feeling! Later that day I was struggling to get through a door way, my hands were overflowing and i keep dropping things. Thankfully someone came to my aid and picked up what i had dropped, handed it to me and opened the door. I was so thankful and it made me think of Karma, what comes around goes around. :)

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