Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Saturday, December 14, 2013


My Aunt gave us a sample of an oil called Helichrysum to help Jeron 's lip heal. (He had a crack in it and it wouldn't go away and would bleed every other day or so) The oil did an amazing job at helping his lip look normal in just a few days time. It was awesome. The best part came from what else my Aunt said it could do. She said that it could almost instantaneously stop bleeding. Well Jeron and I were getting ready to go out with the kids and Asher was in his jammies and fell on tile floor. He bit his lip so badly he was spewing out blood between sobs. He sucked on a frozen go-gurt for a couple of seconds but I'm sure it just tasted like blood because he was still spitting out blood and it didn't look like it was going to stop any time soon. That's when I had Jer go get the Helichrysum and we tried it. I know what my Aunt said but I didn't fully believe it until I saw it. I told Jeron that we now have to get that oil.

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