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Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Dear Professor Stupid-body

Today I got frustrated with the wording of my math assignment and as I was getting Hotmail open I said "I should start it, Dear Professor Stupid-body." Jeron laughed hysterically and keep repeating it while I was starting the email to my teacher. Problem is my teachers name started with an S so it was super hard not to actually write Stupid-body. The funniest thing is that while saying the comment I wasn't talking about the teacher teaching my class cuz he didn't write the homework questions, I was particularly mad at the professor over the eled math portion of Level III. Great thing is that I don't feel bad about calling him a stupid-body... He recently got put in jail for homosexual relations with a minor and for some reason the education department is still paying him. Bah to Professor Stupid-body.

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